Help:Getting started

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If you wish to contribute here at Meijin VS., you will first need to create an account, which can be done by clicking on "Create Account" on the top right of the page you are visiting.
As the website is currently in its infancy, newly made accounts must be manually greenlit, so, for now, you can try to go ahead and contact me, the spearhead of this wiki, on my personal Discord (mastahdizzy).
Eventually, once the wiki will be properly fiddled out, accounts will have a period of automatic validation, at which they will become approved after 2 days of registration, so between then, hang on tight!


Notepad++ is recommended for editing, as it actively backs up what you are doing, though the wiki also provides a visual editor to aid as well.

If MediaWiki syntax is something you are unfamiliar with, feel free to check the helpful links below.

If you wish to familiarize yourself with Meijin's guidelines on how articles are written, take a look at the official pages within the wiki. Once you are properly accustomed to the wiki's overall formatting, you can go ahead and check its community roadmap to see where a pair of hands is most needed.

Be cautious of the existing templates and categories used around the wiki as well to avoid redundant articles or modifications.

Do you wish to contribute?

If you are willing to contribute to the wiki by providing to pre-existing pages that are WIP, or by making a new entry for a game that isn't within our database, feel free to check the "How can I contribute?" page for better information about it!

Helpful Links

New editors are encouraged to make constant reference to these user guides.

  • MediaWiki User Guide - The bible to all things MediaWiki.
    • Categories - Especially important for navigation within the wiki.
    • Formatting - Text markup, page structuring and anything involving formatting.
    • Images - Resourceful for showcasing visual elements, such as game interfaces, official art, or animations.
    • Links - Produce links internally and externally.
    • Templates - Used for descriptive boxes and other flavour options.
    • Moving a page - In case you made a mistake while creating a page. For renaming/deleting images, please contact an admin.